World Association for Medical Law

Letter of Invitation

Advance travel planning and early visa application are important, since visa applications are subject to a greater degree of scrutiny than in the past. Due to the lengthy visa application/issuance process, you should request the Letter of Invitation as soon as you decide to attend the 28th World Congress for Medical Law.

If you determine that you need to apply for a Visa, or simply wish to receive a Letter of Invitation, please email Denise McNally ( with the following information in your request.

Salutation (Example: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.):
First/Given Name:
Last/Family Name:
Passport #:
Date of Birth (please spell out month):
Country of Nationality:
Street Address:


Apply eVISA = Indonesia eVISA |

Indonesia International Travel InformationIndonesia International Travel Information (


  1. The visa policy of Indonesia, all countries in the world, except 7 countries (listed below), can use the e-visa application methods or Visa on Arrival.  Here is the link for the evisa application:
    1. -  Afghanistan
    2. - Guinea
    3. - Israel
    4. - North Korea
    5. - Liberia
    6. – Nigeria
    7. Somalia
  1. The application process for a visa online might need a personal guarantor, which Dr. Bahtiar Husain ( and I ( are ready to give a guarantee. For those who choose visas online, you need to fill form on the website and need a personal guarantor and pay the visa application fee about USD35.
  1. Visa on arrival is quite easy and quick to complete, this can be done on your cellphone or computer in your home country or transit country before you arrive in Indonesia.
    Again, the link is:  The payment will be about USD35 or IDR 500000.   The application process is not simple, I would suggest everyone to apply for e-VOA (Visa on Arrival) instead of eVisa.
  1. Last May 2nd 024, Prof. Roy Beran had an audience with the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights, and the result was quite positive, The Minister offered help to participants of WCML 
    The applicants from the following countries:  Afghanistan, Guinea, Israel, North Korea, Liberia, Nigeria and Somalia must provide complete information of :
    1. Name in passport (scan it)
    2. Passport Number
    3. Latest photo
    4. Travel itinerary (what aircraft are you going to use, from which airport and what port of entrance you are planning to enter Indonesia and what date)
    5. How long are you going to stay in Indonesia and which accommodation?

Applicants are to provide the documentation to Dr. Bahtiar Husain ( and Nasser Muh ( who will forward this data to the Immigration office to do a meeting for visa granting, and issue a document of "Calling Visa".  This document will be sent to applicants, and with this document, you can apply for the visa on the website (Use E-Visa). 

  •           For ASEAN countries, will be free of charge

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