World Association for Medical Law

WAML 2024 World Congress for Medical Law –  Batam, Indonesia

Important Dates for Oral and Poster Submissions:

  • June 15, 2024 - Abstract submission deadline for Oral and Poster Presentations
  • June 20, 2024 - Notification of acceptance sent for Oral and Poster submissions 
  • June 21, 2024 - Deadline for all authors to be registered and paid in full



Public Health Law

Health and Human Right

Medical Error and Pharmaceutical Error

Medical Negligence and Medical Dispute

ABSTRACT Submission is now open:

All participants at the 2024 World Congress for Medical Law (WCML) are invited to submit abstracts.  Only one presentation is allowed per person.  Complete abstracts must be submitted online (English/Indonesian) no later than June 15, 2024.  Faxed, emailed or mailed abstracts are not accepted.  All accepted and presented abstracts will be published in the 28th World Congress for Medical Law Meeting Program and Medicine and Law Journal.  


  • Oral Presentations
  • Poster Presentation


  1. Abstracts may be submitted in English and Indonesian.  No translation services will be available.
  2. Product or service advertisements are not appropriate for presentation.  WAML reserves the right to exclude abstracts that promote commercial interests or are viewed as unethical in content.
  3. Complete abstracts must be submitted online no later than May 15, 2024.  No changes can be made to abstract content or authors after the submission deadline.
  4. Once an abstract is accepted, additional authors cannot be added.
  5. The Presenting (First) Author should be the primary contact and is required to register and attend the WAML Congress and present the paper or poster at the assigned time on the assigned day.  If the Presenting Author is unable to attend the WAML Congress to present the paper or poster, every effort should be made to arrange for one of the other authors to present.  Denise McNally must be notified of any change in presenters.
  6. All presenters are required to register and attend the WAML Congress.
  7. Notification of acceptance or rejection and all future correspondence will be emailed to the Presenting (First) Author from the WAML office by June 7, 2024.
  8. Accepted abstracts will be available online.
  9. If the author is submitting an abstract for consideration in an award category, they must ensure they meet the appropriate criteria for the award.


Abstracts should be drafted to be presented in the form of Oral Presentations or Poster Presentation

Abstracts that are not submitted properly will receive an administrative rejection and will not be reviewed.

  1. Language: The abstract must be written in English or Indonesian.
  2. Presentation Format: Your submission may be presented orally or as a poster. You must indicate your preference. Space for oral presentations is limited and therefore the Program Chair and Scientific Committee may need to override your preference.
  3. Title: Title must be initial caps throughout. Example: Lipoid Pneumonia in the Paralytic Patient after Brain Injury.
  4.  Abstract: Abstracts must be 400 words or less.
  5. Do not include references with citations in abstracts.
  6. Abstracts must be submitted properly. The online system is a database with data fields (title, author 1, author 2, author 3, etc) that are used to generate the published abstracts. Therefore, pay careful attention to the submission instructions and to the submission process. Ask for technical support (see link at top of submission screens) if you are not sure.
     Abstract Limits:
     Number of Authors: 30
     Abstract Title: 200 characters
     Abstract Content: 400 words

  7. You may include Greek letters and special symbols, e.g. ° (degree sign), ® (registered trademark), etc. However, the system will not preserve tables. Tables may be included in your poster or presentation, but data must be reported in narrative format in the abstract submission.

  8. Confirmation: When you finish submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation screen verifying your submission and assigning a tracking number to your abstract. SAVE YOUR TRACKING NUMBER! It will serve as your identification number for corrections, scheduling, and notification.
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